How Loose Parts Play Fuels Curiosity & Exploration in Early Childhood

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There is actually scientific backing to the theory behind early childhood loose parts play. In 1971, an architect by the name of Simon Nicholson wrote an article called “How NOT to Cheat Children: The Theory of Loose Parts”, in which he introduced the theory of loose parts play.

The loose parts theory proposed that the degree of inventiveness and creativity in children’s play is proportional to the number and kind of variables in their play environment.


Benefits of loose parts play in early childhood

Early childhood loose parts play is much more than just a fun way for children to pass the time; it is a vital part of their developmental journey. To put it simply, loose parts play benefits provide a foundation for lifelong learning, curiosity and creativity.

Here are some of the main areas that loose parts play can help children grow:

  • Creativity and Imagination: Loose parts play encourages children to use their creativity and imagination by inventing various uses for the loose parts.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: As loose parts can be used in countless ways, children use flexible thinking and problem-solving skills to adapt them to fit their play.
  • Exploration and Discovery: Loose parts, being open-ended, invite children to explore and experiment, leading to self-directed learning.
  • Skill Development: Playing with loose parts can also develop physical skills like fine motor skills (as they manipulate small objects) and gross motor skills (as they move larger items). It also fosters cognitive and social-emotional skills like planning, negotiating and cooperating.
  • Sense of Control: Loose parts play gives children control over their play environment, allowing them to experiment and learn at their own pace.
  • Connection to Nature and Real-World Learning: When loose parts include natural materials like sticks, leaves and stones, they provide a sensory experience that connects children to the natural world.
  • Inclusivity: Loose parts play is naturally inclusive, as it allows children of different ages, abilities and interests to engage in play that is meaningful to them.


Loose parts play ideas for families

Integrating loose parts play into your family routine is not only simple but also incredibly rewarding.

Here are eight fun and engaging ideas to get you started:

Nature Exploration Kit

Gather natural loose parts like pine cones, leaves, sticks, stones, bark and shells during a family walk or outdoor play. At home, children can use these items to create nature art, build miniature landscapes or even invent their own games. Encourage your child to use paint or coloured textas to bring these objects to life!

DIY Building Blocks

Collect various items such as cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls, and small wood pieces. Children can use these in their construction play to build towers, create imaginary structures or even craft a mini-city. Feel free to join in to help with more complex structures.

Fabric Fun

Offer a collection of fabrics – old clothes, pillow cases, scarves, towels and blankets. These can be transformed into costumes for a dramatic play, forts for imaginative adventures or used in a game of make-believe.

Recycled Art Studio

Foster artistic expression while also teaching the importance of recycling and reusing objects with a recycled art studio. Use recyclable materials like bottles, cardboard boxes, egg cartons and cereal boxes to create open-ended art projects. Children can paint, glue and assemble these into unique creations.

Water Play

Provide various containers, tubes, funnels and sponges for water play. This not only is great fun but also teaches important concepts like volume, buoyancy and cause-and-effect.

Sensory Bins

Create sensory bins filled with items like rice, beans, or sand, as well as scoops, small toys and other objects for children to explore with their hands. Sensory play is excellent for sensory development and can be particularly calming for children who need sensory input.

Music Makers

Time to get noisy! Gather items throughout your home that make sound, like pots, pans and empty containers. Add spoons or sticks as drumsticks and encourage your children to create their own music.

Story Stones

Paint or draw on small stones to create story stones. These can be used by children to tell stories, enhancing their narrative skills and imagination while also improving their language development.


Loose parts play in childcare settings

Unsurprisingly, loose parts play is a critical component of early childhood learning programs.

At Aurrum Kids, our childcare environment is rich with a variety of loose parts – ranging from natural materials like leaves and ticks to everyday items like wooden blocks and recycled containers. We even have our own waterbed playground to encourage free-form water play. This diversity is specifically designed to encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, turning these everyday objects into anything they can envision.

Interested in learning more about how Aurrum Kids fosters imagination and curiosity through early childhood loose parts play? Get in touch with us to book a tour at one of our childcare centres and discover how we provide a stimulating environment where children can explore, learn and grow.