Tips for Teaching Your Child to Read

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Reading is a fundamental skill that opens up a world of knowledge and imagination. From discovering magical worlds to uncovering fascinating scientific facts, reading allows us to broaden our minds and explore other perspectives.

Arguably one of the most major childhood developmental steps is learning to read. It’s a key milestone that sets the stage for a lifetime of learning and growth.

But learning to read goes beyond simply recognising letters and sounding out words. It involves understanding the meaning behind the words, making connections, and building comprehension skills.

Knowing how to teach a child to read is a powerful tool that empowers parents to shape their child’s educational journey. In this article, we’ll explore some practical and fun ways that you can improve your child’s reading comprehension.


The importance of reading

Reading is more than just decoding words on a page. When children develop reading skills, they gain access to information, expand their vocabulary, improve comprehension, and enhance critical thinking abilities.

As well as setting the foundation for success in school and life, knowing how to improve a child’s reading can help them foster creativity, empathy, and the ability to express oneself.


How do children learn to read?

In order to understand how to get your child to love reading, you’ll first need to begin with phonics instruction. Phonics teaches children to associate letters with their corresponding sounds, building the foundation for reading and spelling. Parents and caregivers can support a child’s reading journey by focusing on the following steps:

  1. Learn Letters and Sounds:
    Introduce the alphabet to your child in a fun and engaging manner. Teach them the names and sounds of each letter, allowing them to become familiar with the building blocks of language. Use visual aids, such as alphabet charts or flashcards, to reinforce their understanding.
  1. Break Up Words into Letters:
    Once your child has a grasp of letter-sound relationships, encourage them to blend individual sounds together to form words. Start with simple, three-letter words and gradually increase the complexity.
    Segmenting words into their component sounds helps a child to develop phonemic awareness, an essential skill for reading.
  1. Expand Vocabulary:
    As your child becomes more proficient in decoding words, expose them to a wide range of vocabulary. Read books together, pointing out new words and discussing their meanings during different types of play. Engage in conversations that encourage the use of descriptive language. Expanding their vocabulary enriches their reading experience and enhances their comprehension skills.


Tips for parents

Here are some tips to guide you along the way as you nurture your child’s reading skills:


Be involved

Take an active role in your child’s reading journey. Set aside dedicated reading time each day and read aloud to them. Choose books that capture their interests and engage their imagination. As you read, pause occasionally to ask questions, encourage predictions, and discuss the story. This shared experience strengthens the bond between you and your child while fostering a love for reading.

However, that being said, it’s still equally important to provide opportunities for independent reading. Allow your child to explore books on their own, encouraging them to read aloud or silently, depending on their comfort level. Independent reading builds confidence and encourages a sense of ownership over their learning.

Start early

The earlier you begin exposing your child to language and books, the better. Even before they can read independently, surround them with a print-rich environment. Label objects around the house, create word walls with their favourite words, and introduce them to age-appropriate picture books. Planting the seeds of literacy early on sets a strong foundation for future reading success.

Remember, it’s not necessary to start with difficult books right away. Choose materials that match your child’s current reading level, providing a balance between challenge and enjoyment. Gradually introduce more complex texts as their skills progress.

Make it fun!

Learning to read should be an enjoyable adventure for your child. Infuse creativity and excitement into the process to keep their interest piqued. Try out these ideas:

  • Engage in dramatic reading sessions, using different voices and fun expressions to bring stories to life.
  • Encourage your child to act out their favourite books, fostering a deeper connection with the characters and plot through various forms of dramatic play.
  • Let your child choose their favourite storybooks, allowing them to develop preferences and a sense of ownership over their reading materials.
  • Consider incorporating educational games and apps that focus on reading skills. However, choose them carefully, ensuring they align with your child’s learning goals and provide meaningful engagement.

Use a variety of methods

Every child learns differently, so it’s essential to use a variety of teaching methods. Explore different approaches to keep your child engaged and motivated such as:

  • Word cards or flashcards: Create flashcards with sight words, phonics patterns, or vocabulary words. Practise these regularly to reinforce recognition and recall.
  • Singing: Incorporate songs and rhymes into your reading routine. Music helps children develop rhythm, phonemic awareness, and memory skills.
  • Interactive reading: Encourage your child to participate actively while reading. Ask them to point out familiar words, predict what might happen next, or retell the story from their perspective.

Be patient

Learning to read is a process that takes time and patience. Every child progresses at their own pace, so avoid comparing your child’s progress to others.

Celebrate small victories and provide encouragement and support along the way. Offer reassurance when they make mistakes and emphasise that making errors is a natural part of the learning process.

Watch your child’s progress

Observe your child’s reading progress closely. Are they developing the necessary skills at an appropriate pace? If you have concerns about their reading abilities, consult with their teacher or a literacy specialist. When it comes to helping a child with reading difficulties, targeted support can be incredibly valuable as it ensures your child receives the help they need to thrive as a reader.


Reading is a skill every child needs to know

Teaching your child to read is an invaluable gift that will accompany them throughout their entire life. By understanding the importance of reading and being actively involved in their learning, you can foster a lifelong love for reading in your child. Remember, the journey may have ups and downs, but with your support and creativity, you can empower your child to become a confident and enthusiastic reader.

Happy reading!


Reading is one of the most valuable skills children learn in preschool. At Aurrum Kids, we understand the power of early literacy and its impact on a child’s future success. Our nurturing and innovative learning environment is designed to spark curiosity and foster a lifelong love for reading. If you’re ready to embark on an enriching educational journey for your child, we invite you to book a tour at Aurrum Kids today.